2015-09-29 10:01     (点击:)



    在这门课里,会接触到各类机械零部件,其中就包含人字形齿轮。斜齿轮有对轴上的横向力,为消除这种力,把一个齿轮作成对称方向相反的斜齿轮,来消除这种力,看上去像个人字,简称为人字形齿轮。(英:Herringbone gear 德: Pfeilverzahnung





A herringbone gear, a specific type of double helical gears, is a special type of gear that is a side to side (not face to face) combination of two helical gears of opposite hands. From the top, each helical groove of this gear looks like the letter V, and many together form a herringbone pattern (resembling the bones of a fish such as a herring). Unlike helical gears, herringbone gears do not produce an additional axial load.

Like helical gears, they have the advantage of transferring power smoothly because more than two teeth will be in mesh at any moment in time. Their advantage over the helical gears is that the side-thrust of one half is balanced by that of the other half. This means that herringbone gears can be used in torque gearboxes without requiring a substantial thrust bearing. Because of this herringbone gears were an important step in the introduction of the steam turbine to marine propulsion.

Precision herringbone gears are more difficult to manufacture than equivalent spur or helical gears and consequently are more expensive. They are used in heavy machinery.(资料来源:Wikipedia 维基百科)


Herringbone gear:人字齿轮, helical gear: 斜齿轮,spur:直齿轮, herring:鲱鱼, mesh:啮合,torque:转矩,steam turbine:蒸汽涡轮发动机,marine propulsion船舶推进装置





                            东111 人字齿轮箱故障模拟实验台



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